Corpus Christ Gear Jammers Annual Show and Shine
Corpus Christi, TX
22, 2004
The Corpus Christi Gear Jammers car club held its
4th annual show and shine event at the Parkdale Shopping Center
on Sunday August 22nd. The Shopping Center is located
right on Staples drive and has a large parking lot in front of
what appears to be a number of out of business store fronts, so
there are plenty of parking spaces for cars to park. There
was a $15 entry fee charged to all participants who wished to
enter their cars and be judged to win trophies and prizes in
various categories. The first 100 participants received an
event t-shirt for the event as well. We were a bit
concerned as we drove into Corpus Christi early Sunday as the
sky was littered with dark clouds and the local radio stations
were talking about scattered showers around and throughout the
Corpus area. A few smaller showers sprinkled rain drops on
us and forced us to activate the ol' windshield wipers a few
times on the road. We kept driving and hoped for the best
and hoped that the weather would hold out and we would be able
to still see cars and the event would be a success. At the
location, the sun was out shining and the ominous dark clouds
stayed scattered around us. A local rock-a-billy band
provided some fantastic live music as we walked through the rows
of cars that turned out for the event. A large variety of
vehicles were present from some extremely nice customized street
rods, to a few original model T's, some all out muscle injected
race cars, and everything in between. The only other "valleyite"
we spotted that braved the trip and took his car up that we saw
was Melvin Champagne with his beautiful blue and white '55
Chevy. One complaint that we did have to offer to the Gear
Jammers group is that on all their flyers and advertisements
leading up to the event they stressed and stated that the event
would not feature or permit modern import tuners, lowriders or
vehicles newer than 1975. Well upon arriving, the first
few rows of cars were nothing more than brand new or newer
street cars. We thought, well perhaps they were just
parked there but were not actually part of the event, but upon
closer inspection found that they indeed were registered and
were in a category as part of the event. Our thought is
that the event should stick to what it is advertised as or for.
For more info on Gear Jammers club or next years event, check
out their website at

Photos provided by Lewie Olsen.
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Some trust in chariots and some
in horses,
but we trust in the name of the
Lord our God. - Psalm 20:7
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