Robin Restaurant - Red's Rockin' Rides 2006 -- Pharr
Red and the
gang at Red Robin restaurant in Pharr hosted their first Red's
Rockin' Rides Car Show on July 22, 2006. They intend on
making this an annual event and invited the old car community to
head over with their cars for a special time of good food, good
friends, and good cars. The event was held this time as a
fund raiser for the Make-A-Wish foundation. There were a
good number of participants at this event with car count
totaling more than 100. This was great considering the
temperature outside was also more than 100. In fact it may
have been more than 100 degrees even in the shade. There
were a number of door prizes and raffle items handed out.
Special thanks to all who participated, the staff of Red Robin,
the Make-A-Wish volunteers, the sponsors, and of course Red.
Hope to see you all at the next one, hopefully it will be held
at a different time of the day or perhaps in a cooler month of
the year. If you didn't make it, here is some of what you
missed. If you did make it out, here are some pics to
browse through and relive the fun. Oh yeah and
congratulations to Delbert Killinger for winning the grand prize
raffle item of a Mac Tools toolbox loaded with tools.

Photos provided by
Johnny Cheever and Lewie Olsen.
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Some trust in chariots and some
in horses,
but we trust in the name of the
Lord our God. - Psalm 20:7