Annual Old Car Festival -- McAllen
November 14, 2004

The rain came down and made a wet
and soggy mess on the days leading up to this year's Old Car
Festival. The Rio Grande Valley region of the Antique
Automobile Club of America (AACA) once again planned on hosting
their annual event on a Fall Sunday afternoon, but the weather
just did not seem like it was going to cooperate. The
show's planning committee had made arrangements and reserved the
facility for the day prior as well so that the vendors and the
"early birds" could set up the day before and be ready for the
event. However all day Saturday it drizzled and was quite
chilly and certainly did not look like it was going to be a good
day for a car show the following day. We tried even late
into the evening when it seemed there was a break in the clouds
to dry the parking lot and push the standing water away to help
dry it out, but the light rain kept coming. Very early on
Sunday morning the drizzle had stopped but it still was very
overcast and the humidity level was horrible. We still
weren't sure if there was going to be rain or sun or what, but
the club's president, Tom Pipkin said "rain or shine, the show
will go on." So, we headed on over and started getting
prepared for what might or might not happen that day. As
it turned out, the day cleared up nicely and the show went on.
Due to the poor conditions and questions as to whether it was
going to still be held or not, the turn out was lower than
expected, but still about 200 cars turned out to be displayed
for others to see and enjoy.

The admission to this event is free.
Free to register cars, Free for spectators to enter to observe,
and Free to walk about and give your opinion on what you like
and what you don't like. We have again asked for feedback
from those of you who attended this years event as to the things
you liked and the things you didn't. Once again we have
received comments from many of you that are disgusted with the
new cars that are being allowed in an event that is even named
"OLD" Car Fest. First, keep in mind that RGV OldCars is
not the host of this event and we do not make these decisions,
your comments are appreciated and we will see to it that the
club hears your critiques and praises.

Speaking of RGV OldCars, we were on
hand helping again with parking duties and security and offered
free water to the public. We received a good number of new
persons who signed up to received our weekly email reminders and
passed out alot of flyers via our posting board of upcoming
events and cars for sale. The event was again held at the
Palmer Pavilion on the corner of Hackberry and McColl streets in
McAllen. The food and beverage concession was again operated by
the American Legion Post 37. Barbeque lunches were
prepared throughout the afternoon in the smokehouse.
Inside exhibitors filled the pavilion and the Valley Railroad
club set up model trains for kids off all ages to enjoy. Door prizes were awarded every half
hour and a raffle was held at the end of the show. A live remote was present from
Oldies radio KQXX FM 105.5 as well as an indoor D.J. who played
tunes all day long.

Registration began at 7:00 am and
closed at 11:00 am. Admission was free, although it was
preferred that those entering a car donate a canned good or
other non-perishable food item that was given to the RGV Food
Bank. The show ran
from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm. The first 150 vehicles received a
free t-shirt and all participants received a dash plaque. For
more information on next year’s event or to join AACA, contact
Tom Pipkin at (956) 618-3844.

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Some trust in chariots and some
in horses,
but we trust in the name of the
Lord our God. - Psalm 20:7